
Dr.Sultan Alkhatib the founder performs at katara

Sultan of Arts VR Experience: Discover Sargon of Akkad and the Museum of Iraq

Sultan of Arts Explores Iraq Metro in Virtual Reality!

Sultan of Arts VR – metro line iraq designing

Sultan of Arts: The Ultimate VR Adventure!Step into a world where art meets technology.#SultanOfArts

Sargon of Akkad – VR experience Mask Demo

MetaQuest 3: Sultan of Arts' New VR Venture!

Dr. Sultan Alkateeb Launches VR Ventures with MetaQuest 3 for Sultan of Arts!


Be #vr


sultan of arts 2nd edition Fine Arts competition

Sultan of Arts 2nd edition art competition 260623

Sultan of arts – fine art competition entries

Story Through Art By Famous Artist Kareem Resan

Story through Art – Dove by Ala Bashir

Orchestra Art by Bashar Nidaa

Art collaboration by two artists.Art by Alaa Bashir & Alaa Jimaa. Iraqi Artist.

Sultan of Arts – Art competition- no music no life

Sultan of Art – Fine Art Competition – The power of the music Whittney de Araújooriginal